Support our Troops

Here are some websites that you can visit to help show your support for the troops! Even if you don’t know a member of the armed forces, they are working around the globe for YOU.  Pick one of these sites to send a message and show you support the troops:

Support for Our Troops and Look Cool with Deploy Peace!

At we give retired military aircraft “one last mission” to reunite our wounded military heroes with their families in their time of need. 

Purchase one of our one of a kind military style dog tag to shows support for our troops and honor the memory of those who died in this conflict.  Proceeds from our sales are donated to the Fisher House Foundation.  

Go to and support our troops. 


Pick out a card and Xerox will send it to a serviceman or woman:

A place to learn what Americans all over the country are doing to support our troops:

Show support for the troops by sending letters or care packages. The homepage will give you all the details, requirements, and restrictions for supporting our troops. Don’t know what to send? Check out, where you can purchase pre-made packages to be sent directly to the troop you select or let them select for you.

