7:10 Payoff Question

The 7:10 Payoff Question is Sponsored By Hughes Federal Credit Union

Make the switch here!

Tune in weekday mornings at 7:10am to win money. Make sure you use our new number when you call in: (520) 369-5446.

Friday July 19, 2024

Q: 48% of people have lied to a friend about this. What is it?

A: Helping them move!!!

Monday’s jackpot will be $250. Good luck and have a great weekend.

Thursday July 18, 2024

Q: In a recent survey 40 million people have purchased one of these, but 36 million will never use it. What is it?

A: A Gym Membership!!!

Friday’s jackpot will be $200. Good luck!!

Wednesday July 17, 2024

Q: 68% of people would rather dump their partner than give this up. What is it?

A; Bacon!!!

Thursday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!!!

Tuesday Juley 16, 2024

Q: On average each week this is said in the workplace 525 million times. What is it?

A: “do you have a pen”?

Wednesday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!!

Monday July 15, 2024

WINNER WINNER!!! CONGRATS to Maggie on winning $700!!!

Q: According to a new survey by Max My Money. What is the #1 thing broke people are still able to afford?

A: Lottery Tickets!!! Tuesday’s jackpot is back to $50. Good luck!!!


Friday July 12, 2024

Q: A new survey finds that most men own of these, but 28% never use it. What is it?

A: A Suit!!!

Monday’s jackpot will be $700. Good luck!!!

Thursday July 11, 2024

Q: According to a new survey by Nielsen. What is the #1 city for single cat ladies?

A: Portland, Oregon!!!

Friday’s jackpot will be $650. Good luck!!!

Wednesday July 10, 2024

Q: 17% of workers say they have stolen this from work. What is it?

A: Toilet Paper!!!

Thursday’s jackpot will be $600. Good luck!!!

Tuesday July 9, 2024

Q: According to a new analysis by WalletHub. What is the most stressed out city in the U.S.?

A: Cleveland, Ohio!!!

Wednesday’s jackpot will be $550. Good luck!!!

Monday July 8, 2024

Q: A new survey says if you could hypnotize your spouse to do one thing. What would it be?

A: Clean the house

Tuesday’s jackpot will be $500. Good luck!!!

Friday July 5, 2024

Q: Almost 40% of married couples this is the one thing they would change about their wedding is this. What is it? A: They would change their first dance song!!! Monday’s jackpot will be $450. Good luck.

Wednesday July 3, 202

Q: 11% of women say they absolutely refuse to wear these. What is it?

A: Bowling Shoes!!!

NO QUESTION tomorrow!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $400. Good luck!!!

Tuesday July 2, 2024

Q: One of these typically last 5 days. What is it?

A: A roll of toilet paper!!!

Wednesday’s jackpot will be $300. Good luck!!!

Monday July 1, 2024

Q: About 4% of employees in the U.S. say they NEVER do this at work. What is it?

A: Laugh!!!

Tuesday’s jackpot will be $250. Good luck!!

Wednesday June 18, 2024

Q: 12% of women who were pulled over for reckless driving were doing this.. What is it?

A: They were feeding their kids!!!

Thursday’s jackpot will be $450. Good luck.

Monday June 17, 2024

Q: The average American says they will drive over 30 miles for this. What is it?

A: A Cheeseburger!!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $350. Good luck!!!

Friday June 14, 2024

Q: The average person will do this 5 times in their lifetime. What is it?

A: Lock themself out of their car!!!

Monday’s jackpot will be $300. Good luck and have a great weekend.

Thursday June 13, 2024

Q: 19% of women will do this for their husband theis Father’s Day Weekend. What is it?

A: They will pick out his clothes for him!!!

Friday’s jackpot will be $250. Good luck

Wednesday June 12, 2024

Q: Yesterday was National Corn On The Cob Day. Corn On The Cob is the 10th most popular dish in America. What is the most popular dish in America?

A: Mashed Potatoes!!!

Thursday’s jackpot will be $200. Good luck!!!

Tuesday June 11, 2024

Q: According to 1 in 4 employees think that their is part of this group. What is it?

A: Ther think their boss is an alien!!!

Wednesday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!!

Monday June 10, 2024

Q: 10 years ago about 1/3 of adults say doing this was ok. Today 80% of adults think it’s ok. What is it?

A: Calling someone while in the toilet!!!

Tuesday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!!

Friday June 7, 2024

WINNER WINNER!!! CONGRATS to Ashley on winning $150 with today’s Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union….53% of women say this defines being a real woman. What is it? A: Not having a fear of spiders!!! Monday’s jackpot is back to $50. Good luck and have a great weekend. #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Thursday June 6, 2024

Q: More than one million dogs have had this done for them. What is it?

A: They have been put in a Will!!!

Friday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!!

Wednesday June 5, 2024

Q: 24% of men say say this makes a woman undateable. What is it?

A: If they have facial piercings!!!

Thursday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!


Tuesday June 4, 2024

WINNER WINNER!!! CONGRATS to Manuela on winning $400 today!!

Q: Over 1 in 3 adults say they have not done this since high school. What is it?

A: Made a crank/prank call!!!

Wednesday’s jackpot will be $50 for First Timers. Good luck!!

Monday June 3, 2024

Q: You might think this is okay to do at work, but 80% of your co-workers do not think it is okay? What is it?

A: Trimming your nails.!!!

Tuesday’s jackpot will be $400. Good luck!!!

Friday May 31, 2024

Q: According to a recent survey. Almost 70% of people have a favorite one of these. What is it?

A: Coffee Mug!!

Monday’s jackpot will be $350 and it’s First Timers Week. Good luck.

Thursday May 30, 2024

Q: According to this new article by Visual Capitalist. What is the most stolen vehicle in America?

A: The Hyundai Elantra!!!

Friday’s jackpot will be $300. Good luck!!

Wednesday May 29, 2024

Q: According to recent study by Lawn Starter. What is the dirtiest city in the U.S.?

A: Houston, Texas!!!

Thursday’s jackpot will be $350. Good luck!!

Tuesday May 28, 2024

Q: 75% of women say they get suspicious when their man does this. What is it?

A: When they send/buy flowers!!!

Wednesday’s jackpot will be $200. Good luck!!

Friday May 24, 2024

Q: According to a new article by AAA. What city is the #1 Memorial; Day travel destination?

A: Orlando, Florida!!!

NO QUESTION on Monday….Tuesday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!! Have a safe weekend.

Thursday May 23, 2024

WINNER WINNER!!! CONGRATS to Glenn on winning $1400 today’s 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union….The average man thinks about this 5 times a day. The average woman thinks about it 37 times a day. What is it? A: How their hair looks!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $50. Good luck!!!

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Q: According to a new study Talker Research. What is the most annoying thing in peoples lives right now? A: Cost of food/essentials!!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $1400. Good luck!!

Tuesday May 21, 2024

Q: A recent study found that these are 48% smaller for a woman than a man. What are they?

A: Pants pockets!!!

Wednesday’s jackpot will be $1350. Good luck!!!

Monday May 20, 2024

Q: Based on how much they sleep. What is the laziest dog breed?

A: Dachshund!!

Tuesday’s jackpot will be $1300!!! Good luck

Friday May 17, 2024

Q: 29% of men admit that they do this almost every day while driving. What is it?

A: That they talk to their car while driving!!

Monday’s jackpot will be $1250. Good luck!!!

Thursday May 16, 2024

Q: According to the Clever Real Estate website, Phoenix has the 7th most affordable pizza in the country. Which city is the cheapest pizza in the country?

A: Richmond, Virginia!!!

Friday’s jackpot will be $1200. Good luck!!!

Wednesday, May 15th, 2024

Q: Although it’s very common to do, 33% of people still feel guilty about doing it. What is it?

A: Paying full price for something.

Thursday’s jackpot will be $1,150. Good luck!

Tuesday, May 14th, 2024

Q: 82% of men believe doing this if in front of a woman, makes them look more masculine. What is it?

A: Eat a steak!

Wednesday’s jackpot will be $1,100. Good luck!

Tuesday May 6th, 2024

Q: 22% of all married women wish their husband would do this about his appearance. What is it? A: pluck his eyebrows

Wednesday’s jackpot will be $850. Good luck!!! 

Monday May 5th, 2024

Q: Single men are 5x more likely than women to do this in their bedroom. What is it ? A: Sleep with just a mattress on the floor

Tuesday’s jackpot will be $800. Good luck!!!

Friday May 3, 2024

Q: According to a a new article by Zillow. What is the most dog obsessed city in America? A: Dallas!!! Monday’s jackpot will be $750 and it will be first timers week. Good luck!!!

Thursday May 2, 2023

Q: 29% of people say they prefer to eat this when it is past its prime. What is it? A: Pickles!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $700. Good luck

Wednesday May 1, 2024

Q: 70% of women say they crave this when they are pregnant. What is it? A: Nachos!!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $650. Good luck!!!

Tuesday April 30, 2024

Q: According to a new article by Money Talks News. What is the rudest thing you can do in a restaurant? A: Letting the kids run around the restaurant!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $600. Good luck!!!

Monday April 29, 2024

Q: Sales of these rise in the Spring as people try to get in shape for the beach and pool season. What is it? A: Salads!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $550. Good luck!!!

Friday April 26, 2024

Q: A new survey by Talker Research reveals that the perfect length of a movie is this. What is it? A: 92 Minutes!! Monday’s jackpot will be $500. Good luck and have a great weekend.

Thursday April 25, 2024

Q: This is the most common lie that kids tell. What is it? A: That they brushed their teeth!! Friday’s jackpot will be $450. Good luck!!!

Wednesday April 24, 2024

Q: 15% of men have bought this prior to a date. What is it? A: New bed sheets!!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $400. Good luck!!!

Tuesday April 23, 2024

Q: 79% of women know this, while 9% of men know it. What is it? A: Their ring size!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $350. Good luck!!!

Monday April 22, 2024

Q: 40% of people have these lying around their home, even though they no longer use them. What is it? A: Compact Discs!!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $300. Good luck!!!

Friday April 19, 2024

Q: ….According to research, the average person has at least one of these they have not used in 9 months. What is it? A: A key!!! Monday’s jackpot will be $250. Good luck and have a great weekend!!!

Thursday April 18, 2024

Q: 40% of people surveyed said that they have never done this in a restaurant. What is it? A: They have never eaten alone in a restaurant!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $200. Good luck!!!

Wednesday April 17, 2024

Q: According to a new article by Best Life. What is the #1 food that will make you gain weight? A: Muffins!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!!!

Tuesday April 16, 2024

Q: 19% of people say this is the most annoying thing about their mate. What is it? A: Their laugh!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!!

Monday April 15, 2024

WINNER WINNER!!! CONGRATS to Alisha on winning $1200 today with our 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union….9 out of 10 used to do this , but now it’s just 1 out of 3 kids doing it. What is it? A: Jump Rope!!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be back to $50. Good luck!!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Friday April 12, 2024

Q: 65% of women in relationships say they don’t believe their man when he says this. What is it? A: They don’t believe when he says he is sick!!! Monday’s jackpot will be $1200. Good luck and have a great weekend..,

Thursday April 11, 2024

Q: According to a study by Max My Money….based on: customer dealings, driving and tipping amounts what is the rudest state in the U.S.? A: Rhode Island!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $1150. Good luck!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Wednesday April 10, 2024

Q: According to a USA Today survey, 3 out of 10 people do this potentially dangerous thing at least once a week. What is it? A: Run a red light!!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $1100. Good luck!!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Tuesday April 9, 2024

Q: .According to a recent survey by Bet Carolina. What is the most boring city in America? A: Indianapolis, Indiana!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $1050. Good luck!!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Monday April 8, 2024

Q: 90% of young women have done this to improve their appearance. What is it? A: Whiten their teeth!!! Tuesday’s jackpot will $1000. Good luck!!

Friday April 5, 2024

Q: 90% of young women have done this to improve their appearance. What is it? A: Whitened their teeth!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $1000. Good luck!!

Q: The average person forgets to do this 5 times a week. What is it? Brush their teeth!!! Monday’s jackpot will be $950. Good luck.

Thursday April 4, 2024

Q: 1/2 of all single men admit to doing this just 4 times a year. What is it? A: Clean their toilet!! Friday’s jackpot will be $900. Good luck!!

Wednesday April 3, 2024

Q: This ordinary household item first appeared in Ancient Egypt. What is the item? A: Scissors!!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Tuesday April 2, 2024

Q: If you were born before 1965 you are twice as likely to use this. What is it? A: A bar of soap!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $800. Good luck!!!

Monday April 1, 2024

Q: .When it comes to work. 1 out of 4 people have never experienced this. What is it? A: They have never experienced a Promotion!!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $750. Good luck. #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Friday March 29, 2024

Q: Experts say if you do this this you should do it for at least 6 seconds. What is it? A: Hug!! Monday’s jackpot will be $700. Good luck and Happy Easter!!!

Thursday March 28, 2024

Q: 20% of at-home workers do this during their work day. What is it? A: The play video games!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $650. Good luck!!

Wednesday March 27, 2024

Q: This happens to red cars more than any other color of car. What is it? A: Red Carss get pooped on by birds more often!!!

Tuesday March 26, 2024

Q: Women have 4 times as many problems with these as men do. What is it? A: Their Feet!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $550. Good luck!!!

Monday March 25, 2024

Q: In the history of game shows, this has happened over 7,000 times.  What is it?  A:  Vanna White has worn over 7,000 dresses on ‘Wheel of Fortune’!!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $500. Good luck!!

Friday March 22, 2024

Q: 44% of Americans surveyed think they are good at this. What is it? A: Dancing!!! Monday’s jackpot will be $450. Good luck!!!

Thursday March 21, 2024

Q: According to a new article…what is the most popular breed of dog right now? A: The French Bulldog!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $400. Good luck!!

Wednesday March 20, 2024

Q: Americans will throw out 42 million of these during their Spring Cleaning this year. What is it? A: Tupperware Lids!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $350. Good luck!!

Tuesday March 19, 2024

Q: 63% of adults say they would like to do this at a restaurant, but don’t. What is it? A: Order from the kids menu!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $300. Good luck!!

Monday March 18, 2024

Q: 1 out of 10 people have one of these under their bed right now. What is it? A: A Dirty Dish!!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $250. Good luck!!

Friday March 15, 2024

Q: After the age of 35, studies show that you eat this twice as much as you did as a kid. What are you eating more of? A: Yogurt!! Monday’s jackpot will be $200. Good luck and Happy St. Patrick’s Day Weekend!!

Thursday March 14, 2024

Q: 21% of people forget this at least once a week. What is it? A: They forget what day of the week it is!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!!

Wednesday March 13, 2024

Q: It cost more to do this in Alaska than any other state in the U. S. What is it? A: It cost more to eat at McDonald’s!!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!!

Tuesday March 12, 2024

WINNER WINNER!!! CONGRATS to Larry winning $500 today with our 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union… 32% of people they would never do this to their vehicle. What is it? They would get Vanity (Personal) Plates!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $50. Good luck!!!

Monday March 11, 2024

Q: According to a new article in The New York Post. What is the #1 food that will help boost your looks? A: Sweet Potatoes!!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $500. Good luck!!

Friday March 8, 2024

Q: According to a new article in Forbes Magazine, who was the highest paid actor in 2023? A: Adam Sandler at $73 Million!!! Monday’s jackpot will be $450. Good luck and have a great weekend. #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Thursday March 7, 2024

Q: The #1 thing that people over the age of 55 search for on the Internet is how to retire. What is the #2 thing they search for? A: How to play Pickleball!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $400. Good luck!!

Wednesday March 6, 2024

Q: According to a new survey. Which state parties the hardest on St. Patrick’s Day? A: Alabama!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $350. Good luck!!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Tuesday March 5, 2024

Q: 34% of people say that no one should wear these. What are they? A: Leather Pants!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $300. Good luck!!

Monday March 4, 2024

Q: California is the only state to have 2 of these. What are they? A: The only 2 states to have 2 Governors who have stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $250. Good luck!!

Friday March 1, 2024

According to a new article by Finance Buzz. What is the #1 brand of car most likely to get a speeding ticket? A: Infiniti!!! Monday’s jackpot will be $200. Good luck!!!

Thursday February 29, 2024

Q: 35% of people say they eat in bed, 42% of those people say they eat this in bed. What is it? A: Cookies!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Wednesday February 28, 2024

Q: 24% of kids do this chore. What is the chore? A: They do the dishes!!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Tuesday February 27, 2024

WINNER WINNER….CONGRATS to Adam on winning $50 with today’s 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union….9% of people who have done this to benefit their health. Say they will never do it again. What is it? A: Do a Cold Plunge or Ice Bath!! Wednesday’s jackpot is back to $50. Good luck!!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Monday February 26, 2024

WINNER WINNER!!! CONGRATS to Taylor on winning $200 with today’s 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by by Hughes Federal Credit Union….Of all the countries in the world. Which country has the most 7-Eleven’s? A: Japan!!! Tuesday’s jackpot is back to $50. Good luck!!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Friday February 23, 2024

Q: 64% of people believe that no one is better than them at making this in the kitchen. What is it? A: A Perfect Cookie!! Monday’s jackpot will be $200. Good luck and have a great weekend. #listenilive www.kiimfm.com

Thursday February 22, 2023

Q: According to a new survey based on: Pizzerias, Yelp ratings, pizza prices and pizza reputation. What is the best U.S. city for pizza? A: Denver!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!!

Wednesday February 21, 2024

Q: The average person gets one of these every 3 years. What is it? A: A Computer Mouse!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!!

Tuesday February 20, 2024

WINNER WINNER!!! CONGRATS to Ryan on winning $150 with today’s 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union….28% of people say they eat this right out of the container. What is it? A: Queso (Cheese)!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $50. Good luck!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Friday February 16, 2024

Q: 39% of people say they do this before they eat a slice of pizza. What is it? A: They fold it!!! NO QUESTION on Monday. Tuesday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck and have a great weekend!!!

Thursday February 15, 2024

WINNER WINNER….CONGRATS to Jennifer for winning $50 with today’s 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by @ Hughes Federal Credit Union… 33% of people do this before taking a photo. What is it? A: They floss their teeth!! Friday’s jackpot will be $50. Good luck. #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Wednesday February 14, 2024

WINNER WINNER….CONGRATS Bradley on winning $150 with today’s 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union…21% of couples argue about this at least once a month. What is it? A: They argue bout the chores!! Thursday’s jackpot is back to $50. Good luck. #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Tuesday February 13, 2024

Q: 16% of parents want their children to learn how to do this. What is it? A: They want them to learn to play the violin!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!!!

Monday February 12, 2024

Q: 43% of women say they want this for Valentine’s Day. What is it? A: They want to be left alone/peace and quiet!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!

Friday February 9, 2024

WINNER WINNER!!! CONGRATS to Leslie on winning $150 today with our 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union. Here is the question….Only 4 NFL teams have never been to the Super Bowl. Name one of them? A: Cleveland, Detroit, Houston and Jacksonville!!! Monday’s jackpot is back to $50. Good luck and have a great weekend!!!

Thursday February 8, 2024

Q: People who do this at least 3 times a week are generally meaner. What is it? A: People who watch Reality TV Shows!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!!!

Wednesday February 7, 2024

Q: According to a new survey by The Knot. What is the most popular first dance song for Brides and Grooms? A: ‘Can’t Help Falling In Love’ by Elvis!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!!

Tuesday February 6, 2024

WINNER WINNER…CONGRATS to Brandon on winning $300 with today’s 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union…30% of people say they would rather do this with their pet than with their partner. What is it? A: They would rather go on vacation with their pet!! ! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $50.. Good luck!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Monday February 5, 2024

Q: 34% of people say they drink one of the these on a weekly basis. What is it? A: A Milkshake!!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $300. Good luck!!

Friday February 2, 2024

Q: Over 300 of these have been left in hotels in the last year. What have been left behind? A: Prosthetic Limbs!!! Monday’s jackpot will be $250 and it will be First Timers Week. Good luck!!! Have a great weekend.

Thursday February 1, 2024

Q: 50% of men wash this once every 4 months. What is it? A: Their Comforter!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $200. Good luck!!

Wednesday January 31, 2024

Q: This is the top thing people eat after a break up. What is it? A: A Burger!!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!!!

Tuesday January 30, 2024

Q: 24% of people say they feel guilty if they don’t do this every day. What is it? A: Make their bed!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Monday January 29, 2024

WINNER WINNER!!! CONGRATS to Sierra on winning on $200 with today’s 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union.. 30% of pet owners have purchased one of these for their pets. What is it? A: A Stroller!!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $50. Good luck!!

Friday January 26, 2024

Q: Eating two or more servings of this per week can save your life, because it cuts the risk of heart disease by 20%. What is it? A: Avocados!!! Monday’s jackpot will be $200. Good luck!!! Have a great weekend. #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Thursday January 25, 2024

Q: According to a recent survey The Dallas Cowboys have the NFL’s Sexiest Fans. Which team has the second sexiest fans? A: The Chicago Bears!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!!

Wednesday January 24, 2024

Q: According to a new survey. What is the most popular nickname for your car? A: “Betsy”!!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!!

Tuesday January 23, 2024

WINNER WINNER!!! CONGRATS to Nick on winning $150 with today’s 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union…The average American starts doing this at the age of 41. What is it? A: Taking Vitamins!! Wednesday’s jackpot is back to $50. Good luck!!

Monday January 22, 2024

Q: 18% of people say they clean this less that once a year. What is it? A: The Freezer!!! Tuesday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!!!

Friday January 19, 2024

Q: What is the most popular street name in America? A: Second Street!!! Monday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!!

Thursday January 18, 2024

WINNER WINNER…CONGRATS to Dathan on winning $250 with today’s 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union….71% of men lie about this on a first date. What is it? A: They lie about how often they go to the gym!!! Friday’s jackpot will be back to $50. Good luck!! #listenlive www.kiimfm.com

Wednesday January 17, 2024

Q: According to a new article by MSN. What is the best food for hair growth? A: Eggs!!! Thursday’s jackpot will be $250. Good luck.

Tuesday January 16, 2024

Q: 24% of women say this inspired them to lose weight. What is it? A: Comments their kid(s) made!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $200. Good luck!!

Friday January 12, 2024

Q: According to a new article. What is the #1 Children’s movie to watch as family? A: ‘Toy Story’ NO QUESTION on Monday. Tuesday’s jackpot will be $150. Good luck!!

Thursday January 11, 2024

WINNER WINNER….CONGRATS to Andy on winning $300 with this question. 36% of employees say they would have this than a raise. What is it? A: They say they would rather have their boss fired!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $50. Good luck!!!

Wednesday January 10, 2024

Q: Most people do this when they are awake, but more than 1 out of 4 people do it when they sleep. What is it? A: Laugh!!!

Tuesday January 9, 2024

Q: The average person endures 3 of these a week. What is it? A: Nightmares!!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $250. Good luck!!!

Monday January 8, 2024

Q: What actor was George Lucas’s first choice to be Indiana Jones…it was not Harrison Ford. Who was it? A: Tom Selleck!!! Tuesday’s Jackpot will be $200. Good luck!!!

Friday January 5, 2024

Q: Women are 20% more likely to help out with this as opposed to men. What is it? A: Cover up a crime!!! Monday’s jackpot will be $150 and it is First Timers Week. Good luck and have a great weekend.

Thursday January 4, 2024

Q: 26% of people say they drink this on a near regular basis. What is it? A: Wine!!! Friday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!

Wednesday January 3, 2024

WINNER WINNER!!! CONGRATS to Sandi on winning $100 with today’s 7:10 Payoff Question sponsored by Hughes Federal Credit Union…Freshly Cut Grass is the top smell that people like. What is the #2 smell that people like? A: Coffee!!! Thursday’s jackpot is back to $50. Good luck!!

Tuesday January 2, 2024

Q: Their are only 3 crimes mentioned in the original U.S. Constitution. Treason is one of them. Name one of the the other crimes mentioned? A: Piracy and Counterfeiting!! Wednesday’s jackpot will be $100. Good luck!!

